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[00:05] <Lightkey> logix: SchiAuchi :-D
[00:07] <Lightkey> would have been too easy just to copy his nickname
[00:32] --> GitHub25 joined #scummvm.
[00:32] <GitHub25> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vF11B
[00:32] <GitHub25> scummvm/master a97a950 Paul Gilbert: XEEN: Fix uninitialized instance field warnings
[00:32] GitHub25 (GitHub25@ left #scummvm.
[01:06] Nick change: Storm-Gaming -> Storm-AFK
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[01:22] user9 (~Thunderbi@leoseb.ujf-grenoble.fr) got netsplit.
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[01:22] logix (~logix@ilsa.franken.de) got netsplit.
[01:22] qvist (~qvist@delta.ipv7.se) got netsplit.
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[01:28] logix (~logix@ilsa.franken.de) returned to #scummvm.
[01:28] qvist (~qvist@delta.ipv7.se) returned to #scummvm.
[01:28] Rasi (~carnager@archlinux/support/rasi) returned to #scummvm.
[01:28] ComradeAnderson (~ComradeAn@unaffiliated/comradeanderson) returned to #scummvm.
[01:28] snover (~snover@unaffiliated/snover) returned to #scummvm.
[01:28] madmoose (~Hat@chef.nerp.net) returned to #scummvm.
[01:28] #scummvm: mode change '+voo qvist snover madmoose' by tolkien.freenode.net
[01:36] --> GitHub136 joined #scummvm.
[01:36] <GitHub136> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vF19U
[01:36] <GitHub136> scummvm/master 2b823d6 Paul Gilbert: XEEN: Fix some Coverity warnings
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[06:07] <logix> Lightkey: SchiAuchi?
[06:11] <logix> ah, that seems to be the nick/handle of somebody with a 3.0.0 switch who's willing to sell it to the libretro team
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[08:09] <logix> snover: does your devkitpro have a $DEVKITPRO/portlibs/nds/include and $DEVKITPRO/portlibs/armv5te/include?
[08:09] <logix> mine (compiled using buildscripts-20170715) doesn't, I'm just wondering if the binary build perhaps does
[08:20] <-- LittleToonCat left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[09:59] <Lightkey> logix: no, the nick is ScHlAuChi, hence my comment :p
[10:01] <-- |Cable| left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds
[10:05] <logix> Lightkey: oh... ok
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[14:10] <logix> snover: the DS binary I built doesn't run
[14:11] <logix> I just get a white screen, that's it - meanwhile the scummvm 0.12 binary from 2008 that I have on the same card works
[14:12] <logix> (also, it's just 1.5MB in size, as opposed to 15MB .nds + 11MB scumm.plg :) )
[14:24] <ccawley2011> logix: Does the version from the buildbot work?
[14:27] <logix> ccawley2011: ah, good question, I'll give it a try
[14:28] <logix> I just realized that the binary I tried was built with --disable-mad becuase I didn't have a recent build of libmad and postponed dealing with that to later
[14:28] <logix> not that I think that would cause it to crash... but my build has a few subtle local changes, so who knows...
[14:36] <logix> ccawley2011: the buildbot ver works *slightly* better - I can launch that through woodrpg (not via the standard ysr4 menu), and I then get a failed assertion in src/graphicssurface.cpp:75
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[14:40] <-- jamm left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds
[14:47] <logix> er, that's src/graphics/surface.cpp:75 - the replacement screen I have on my DS is shitty and covers a few pixels on the right hand edge
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[15:43] <logix> snover: what version of devkitpro is the buildbot running atm?
[15:43] <logix> snover: that is, devkitarm
[15:44] <ccawley2011> logix: devkitARM r30 (https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm-sites/blob/buildbot/config/master.cfg#L434)
[15:47] <logix> ah, thanks
[15:48] <ccawley2011> You might want to try disabling plugins, as well as all engines for now.
[15:48] <logix> ccawley2011: have you actually tested a build with your changes or just verified that it compiles?
[15:48] <logix> yeah, that's probably a good idea
[15:48] <ccawley2011> No, I only checked that it compiled.
[15:49] <logix> for my previous builds (last one I did was 1.8.0 or 1.9.0, I'd have to check) I used the script in platforms/backends/ds that resulted in ~15 different binaries all of which supported a couple of engines (no plugins)
[15:50] <logix> ccawley2011: ok, then I'll not blame my environment just yet :)
[15:50] <ccawley2011> With plugins, scummvm.bin is 3.2MB. Without plugins, scummvm.bin is 1.8MB.
[15:50] <logix> I wonder why mine is 15MB...
[15:52] <ccawley2011> When creating scummvm.nds, only the arm9 binary has the debug symbols stripped - the arm7 binary still has them, meaning that it ends up at 11MB.
[15:55] <logix> oh snap, yes, if I strip the .elf, it's 3.5MB
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[16:38] <snover> _sev: when you have a moment, would you inform the mailing list on what release schedule is being used?
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[17:35] <-- vv222 left irc: Quit: Ill be back!
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[18:15] <snover> https://zetafleet.com/i/5a0dd5a01b743.png so close&
[18:18] <wjp> hi
[18:18] <snover> hello!
[18:19] <wjp> regarding those WME blockers, I'm wondering if those specific two games are really supported
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[18:20] <wjp> somaen: do you know? Ghost in the Sheet and Hamlet ( https://bugs.scummvm.org/ticket/6533 , https://bugs.scummvm.org/ticket/6568 )
[18:21] <snover> they are in the detection table, and the engine is set to build by default, but all the detection table entries for this engine seems to be marked with ADGF_UNSTABLE. so that is a bit confusing to me.
[18:22] <wjp> almost all
[18:22] <wjp> there are one or two exceptions
[18:25] <snover> huh. so i see. two games plus one variant.
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[18:32] <snover> there is this thread which doesnt seem like the data was ever taken and used to update the detection table: http://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php?t=13062
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[00:00] --- Fri Nov 17 2017